About laser facial rejuvenation

Even a woman carefully, a subsequent state, their skin, begins to emerge sooner or later mimic wrinkles, enlarged pores and other "trail." An extensive selection of skilled modern cosmetology techniques to adjust the signs of skin aging. One of these methods is laser rejuvenation.

In essence, the procedure of laser rejuvenation


Laser rejuvenation — term, collective, positive, powerful effect that can offer various Peeling, Massage and much more. The basic procedure is to put the principle of the high precision effect, the skin in the troubled areas of the laser beam. Beauty by focusing on individual performance, desired temperature (150º until 42º may vary) and the effect of depth of laser beam (0.5-3 mm). Natural regeneration of new skin cells as old laser burns. Processed approximately 5-7 days to heal the land.

Laser rejuvenation that will help you in what situations

Laser facial rejuvenation — safe, suitable for everyone, but the effect is particularly pronounced for those thirty. Noticeable visible signs of aging at this age well:

  • face color fading;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • laxity and sagging skin;
  • since the expansion.

Wedding procedure can be considered as indications:

  • advanced vascular grid;
  • deep nasolabial folds;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • enlarged pores;
  • pigment stains;
  • pimples and black spots;
  • a different kind of skin irregularities (scars).

The year, though for most types of laser rejuvenation is not a limitation to the experts to carry out the procedure in autumn-winter period. In the cold season skin exposure to UV radiation is minimized, i.e., it is not possible for the appearance of age spots.

You can't do the time laser facial rejuvenation

The procedure is strictly prohibited to persons patient:

  • on the face of inflammatory processes;
  • herpes;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatosis;
  • 1 degrees of diabetes.

The ones you have you cannot go through the procedure and oncological disease, or bleeding problems, blood, pregnant and lactating women. But a child has no effect on the laser rejuvenation of the skin becomes more sensitive and delicate points, and therefore the possible improvement in surface pigmentation or an excessively long treatment zones.

Not wishing to undergo the procedure recommended to make a peeling, laser rejuvenation, 2 weeks ago. Otherwise, your skin is very sensitive, for example, the white paper may have adverse effects on (for example, a longer rehabilitation).

Non-ablative laser rejuvenation

A non-ablative rejuvenation, laser beam penetrates the top layer of the dermis without breaking an effect on the bloodstream, when you start the process, rejuvenation skin cover.

The main purpose of non-ablative laser rejuvenation — prevention progression of age-related changes.

Non-ablative laser rejuvenation is valid for almost all patients regardless of skin type. Though the experts to refrain from a similar procedure in adolescence.

Treatment that the procedure itself begins with the cover. Then, the process occurs, and the application of the laser beam to the troubled region, Moisture Mask. The mesh improves the speed of a laser beam can be represented as a procedure (30-45 minutes per session).

Table Properties: non-ablative laser rejuvenation

The number of Sessions Type of anesthesia Recovery time The duration of treatment Yield
6 months of 5-6 treatments. It does not require anesthesia. Of time rehabilitation — 3-4 days. Then advice:
  • use makeup,
  • bathroom with bathtub or remain for a long time,
  • for the pleasure of tanning or sunbathing.
30-45 minutes. non-ablative laser facial wrinkles excellent cleaning small, but just get in a zone, or eye. The processing of the nose and lip will give the effect very visible, this can cause facial wrinkles, not just age-related changes, but at the same time in a separate feature of the body. Also non-ablative laser corrects marks and minor scars, acne. Notice an improvement immediately after the surgery. The positive effect the duration of the course 4 to 7 months.

Non-ablative rejuvenation is relatively safe and painless. A talented magician, and the correct wavelength to properly handle problem areas. Complications can occur, in this case expert malpractice. In particular, for a short time by pressing excessively low-pass or high-temperature burn may occur if the laser beam surface. As a result, red spots appear on the face.

For now, the safest way for a laser rejuvenation — Southeast non-ablative rejuvenation.